Sunday, June 14, 2015

Retirement or hiatus?

I've taken my bows and my curtain calls. You've brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it. I thank you all.

Friday, June 12, 2015. 13-3. 1 goal. 1 twisted knee.


That is how my hockey career ended.

I played my final season alongside my son. We had some victories. I scored some big goals. I watched my son become a leader on the rink. So I guess it wasn't all bad.

I decided to stop playing because I have lost my love of the game. I didn't see it coming at first. There were signs, but I guess my mind was made up after a game on April 17 of this season. During that game, I saw my team self destruct and afterwards they didn't seem to care. Was I the only one that was embarrassed by that display? Judging by everyone's reaction, the answer was yes. I decided that night that I was done.

After that, every Friday came with a feeling of dread. I didn't feel like playing and I honestly could not wait for the season to end. My play and commitment suffered. I tried to draw on my love of the game. My respect for the game, but alas, for me the game was broken. I've played hockey off and on for over 45 years.

I'll miss it, most definitely.

But mostly, it hurts.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goodbye my long time friend

It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to my friend Kobe (AKC Pedigree name Kobe Buddy Roe). Kobe arrived in our lives in January of 2001 as a six week old tired little guy. He was as cute as they come and as sweet of a dog as I've ever known. We called him Buddy, because that is how he was. He would snuggle with you and oh, how he loved to play! He loved footballs and would knock the ball out of your hand if you said "Fumble!" He never liked to play fetch, but would rather play keep away. We would throw him the ball and when he brought it back he wanted you to try to take it from him. This was considered a good time to Kobe.

Alas, his age kept creeping up on him until finally his old tired body could do no more. He departed this world at approximately 1:40 this afternoon when we said our final goodbyes.

He was a sweet, sweet boy. He did his best to be a good friend to us. Even at the end he wagged his tail when we stroked his beautiful head and rubbed his strong, thick neck. It is a hard thing to say goodbye to a friend you've known for over 14 years, but it is also the best I could do for my friend to help him die with dignity and to end his pain.

I'll miss you, Buddy.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lack of posting and wondering if it's time to give up.

The past few weeks have been crazy for me. As most of you know, I have been in the hunt for a new job for a couple months. I finally landed said job last week. The thing is, I expect to be quite busy over the next few months and I wonder if I will have enough time to be creative when it comes to my hobby. I seriously considered giving the project up today. I have not had my camera out of the bag for a few days and I haven't had any time to go anywhere except to the same old places that I have pretty well tapped out.

I hope I can turn it around soon. I am already eight days behind and I can't see much change on the horizon. I am hoping to recover my eye for the unusual and turn this around. After all we are closing in on the "100 days to go" mark and I hope I can find that second wind and finish strong.

I start the new job on September 29, which is supposed to be Day 272. I look at it this way: if I am not caught up by the time I start the new job, it's over.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 249 Champions with photo bombing fans.

VBC #1 softball won the lower level championship tonight. We snapped a team photo and it was photo bombed by a couple of the ladies.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014